sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2009


Hello cyber-fellas! After a while with struggling with the wi fi, i could finally come back again and write a new entry. It is amazing how people these days depend on such a huge thing as the internet. Personally, i don't go nuts if i dont check my Facebook account or my email. These situations when you can't get online offer such good opportunities to connect with your family and actually have a real social life, even though i don't consider myself a very social person.

Anyway, it was one of this past days, can't remember when it was (bad memory), that i was at this mall with my mum and brother. It was then that i realize that i absolutely hate going to malls at this time of the year. It is so dam crowded. People just shopping and shopping for the holidays. I was even disgusted when i started to ask myself: WHY ARE WE BUYING PRESENTS? I can't seem to understand what is the point of all of this.

I don't know, it has more sense that this holidays we help other people instead of doing the same every year. I mean, why is so important t such material things as clothes, shoes or things we don't even need? I think it would be more meaningful to just give something in return to those people who always helped us. Just to have the intention to cook a nice meal to our parents to show them how much we love them, make the effort to be the best you can be and don't expect anything in return, do it because you want to.

I always had this thing about being too critical, especially when it comes to brands and consumerism. But don't you think it is ironic that Christmas is all about presents when it shouldn't be? It may sound cheesy, but it should be about the "christmas spirit". This "christmas spirit" is what i've been talking about, it is within you, not without.

Let me know what you think.

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